Being energy-efficient and environmentally conscious has progressed from simply being a good idea to a way of life – not just for the Toyota Prius crowd, but for businesses looking to cut their overhead expenditures by reducing their carbon footprint (and additionally appealing to a more green savvy clientele). One way companies can be on the cutting edge of corporate concern for their energy expenditure is by switching to LED lights.

LEDs are light emitting diodes, small electronic devices that give off far more light per unit of electricity than traditional fluorescent lights or lamps. They are typically more expensive than older methods of providing light, but the money they will end up saving means the expense pays for itself. Here are five reasons why businesses should switch to LED lights:

  • LED lights don’t even burn out – they “fade away”, according to the New York Times, simply producing less amounts of light, but never dramatically sparking into darkness the way regular bulbs do. Even at the end of their 50,000th hour of operation, LED lights will continue to produce an estimated 70% of their maximum illuminating potential, thereby saving a business a fortune on having to replace their lighting system every 2,000 hours of use.

LEDs Last Longer Than Incandescent Lights

  • As an example, illuminating the official residence of the Queen of England uses literally less electricity than making a cup of tea. A business that uses LEDs for their lighting needs will slash their monthly overhead budget considerably.

LEDs Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions

  • As part of the 2009 stimulus package, the federal government awarded $34 billion in government investments to companies that showed their initiative in converting to energy efficient methods of doing business. This could mean that an organization receives federal funds to help with the logistical implementation of a large-scale LED lighting system, thereby saving money on the necessity of having to contract the work out to a third party.

Switching To LEDs Can Make Money

  • The idea that using LEDs to light an office is no longer on the fringe, and is instead very serious business.

LEDs Improve Appearances

  • Older lamps shift as they age, casting unseemly shadows and even unwanted colors. LED bulbs spread light wider than their fluorescent counterparts, giving a more even distribution of light and making a facility seem more naturally, aesthetically lit.

LEDs Are The Future